Are Your Candles Toxic?

Are Your Candles Toxic?

Here's a Sniff of Reality: 

I'm sure you've noticed all the "clean + non-toxic" cleaning products, face creams, shampoos and perfumes hit the shelves in recent years. What exactly is making them toxic, though? 

Sure, there are tons of ingredients in most of these categories we now know needed to get swapped out. There's one ingredient all of these products have in common that's hiding in the background... fragrance oils. 

Most fragrance oils are filled with phthalates, animal derivatives, antimicrobials and added molecules.  Cool, why's it bad for me? Here's the break down:

"Phthalates are esters of Phthalic acid and are used to dissolve raw materials when making fragrance oils. They have been used for decades in a myriad of pharmaceuticals, household, and industrial products."

The problem with phthalates, they can cause cancer. These ingredients require a Proposition 65 warning in California and are banned in most other countries.

Antimicrobials "are flagged for potential acute and reproductive hazards and are banned by the FDA." 

We’ve seen this trend rising for years and it’s one of the many reasons we started The Growing Candle. 

Here's our promise:

• 100% Soy Wax - "soy blends" contain a high percentage of petroleum wax.

• Cotton Wicks - no heavy metals around here (unless it's on our playlist).

• Non-Toxic Fragrance Oils - 

Free From: 

- Carcinogens: known to cause cancer.

- Mutagens: change the DNA of a cell, harming the cell and causing disease.

- Reproductive toxins: Adversely affect reproductive organs, increasing the risk of birth defects.

- Organ toxins: can cause adverse effects or disease within specific bodily organs.

- Acute Toxins: can cause adverse effects from a single exposure (spillage/ingestion).

Making all our candle in-house allows us to control every ingredient that goes into our candles. From wick to wax, and especially the fragrance oil... we keep people and planet over profit.

If you have any questions, just ask! We will do our best to answer thoroughly + promptly. Email:

Don't have a Growing Candle yet, or need to re-stock? Check these out! 👇

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